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Clef Des Champs - URIMIX organic 50 ML
Artikelnummer 229-50
Urimix formulated by Clef des Champs is a diuretic and relieves urinary tract infections. This tincture combines 100% organic Marshmallow, Uva Ursi, Green Oatstraw, Parsley, Dandelion and Nettle that can be taken 3 times per day for best results. Combination products for urinary tract infections and kidney stones may contain uva ursi. Whole plant preparations, as opposed to formulas of purified, extracted chemical constituents, work best. There are other molecules in uva ursi that protect the active chemicals as they pass through the digestive tract and alkalinize the urine. Clef des Champs grows on its certified-organic farm the medicinal herbs it needs for the production of its therapeutic extracts.