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Org White 18bg-
UGS LEE00009
Only Uncle Lee's packs extra-large tea bags with whole leaves. This unique method means a higher-quality tea with more flavor and health benefits for you. Our Organic Whole Leaf White Tea (Bai Mu Dan) is grown in the mountains of the Fujian Province of China and undergoes little processing (steaming, rolling and oxidation) which leaves the appearance and cell structure of the leaves basically unaltered. This purity may be what some researchers have said might cause white tea to have a greater concentration of antioxidants than all of the other teas that originate from green tea. White teas have all of the benefits of green tea and are the most delicate of all, their taste being subtle, complex and mildly sweet. Because there is very little processing with white tea, the caffeine content is also fairly low at approximately 15 to 20 mg per cup. In comparison, green tea contains 20 to 30 mg per cup, black tea contains 80 to 120 mg per cup and common coffee contains about 100 to 200 mg per cup on the average. Taste the difference of Uncle Lee's Organic Whole Leaf Teas -- more leaves, more flavors, more benefits, more for you!