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Organic Grass-Fed Whey Protein - Natural*
SKU 403
Organically. Deliciously. Conveniently. Naturally derived from North American organic fresh milk, Prairie Naturals Organic Whey Protein is free of antibiotics, synthetic hormones and GMOs (genetically modified organisms). With no added sugar, artificial flavours or colours, Prairie Naturals Organic Whey Protein is a delicious low fat, low carbohydrate and low lactose source of organic protein. Provides a rich source of protein microfractions including lactoferrin (powerful antioxidant effects), glycomacropeptides (reduces appetite, aids in digestion and absorption of protein, anti-microbial and anti-bacterial), immunoglobulins, beta and alpha-lactalbumins, serum albuminand lactoperoxidase (promotes gastrointestinal health and immunity).